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Let's go on a journey to find out how to know stuff better. We'll explore the question of how much do we know that ain't so, especially by examining what we think that we know by comparing it with biblical wisdom.

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Saturday, December 12, 2009


The first chapter of Ecclesiastes shows the dire situation of the man without God--he is stuck in a swamp of vanity. All his work will be destroyed by cyclical natural processes--especially by water and wind. People will forget that he existed. Even if he thinks that he creates something new, someone else will probably have done it first. If a man tries to discover knowledge about natural history, he will fail because there are processes that destroy data which have already destroyed the data which the man is trying to access. Man is only left with the detritus of the past and cannot count what is lacking. It is all very similar to the conclusion of Existentialism.

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading a lot of Kierkegaard lately and am becoming a bigger and bigger fan of Christian Existentialism.
